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Ganesha defeats Gana

Ganesha defeats Gana

Vinayaka or Gananayaka is another name for Ganesha.

Gananayaka is the Lord of Ganas or the one who defeats Gana. A beautiful son named Gana was born to the king and queen Abhijit Gunavati. He was very bright and strong. He was a great admirer of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva pleased with his devotion granted him some favors. But this ego Gana increased. He soon fell into bad company.

One day he went to sage Kapila's ashram. Kapila had a gem called Chintamani which was requested could meet and provide food for thousands. Seeing Gana this, he wanted to possess the gem. Kapila did not want to give it to him. But Gana forcibly took her away from him. Kapila prayed to Lord Ganesha. Ganesha appeared in a dream Gana and cut off his head. Gana, on waking up, not regret but was angry and took his army to kill Kapila. Gana's father, Abhijit, pleaded with Gana to give back Kapila did not notice his jewel but Gana advice. But Kapila Ashram already he found that Ganesha had assembled an army. In a bitter fight, Gana was killed by Ganesha and Ganesha restored the "Chintamani" to Kapila.

But Kapila gave it back to Ganesha saying that even a small gem like this could cause problems, such as wealth is the root of many problems in this world. Kapila requested Ganesha to stay back. From then on this (high prices near Pune), "said Chintamani Vinayaka '.

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