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Kubera pride takes a fall

Kubera pride takes a fall

We should never be overly proud of our material and spiritual achievements. The old saying "Pride always leads to a fall." demonstrated in the following story is true.

Kubera (God of Wealth) invited Shiva and Parvati want to show for dinner, its beauties. But the couple refused Kubera request and said he could eat instead of Ganesha. Kubera laughed and said, "I can feed thousands of children like this."

Ganesha went to his palace and sat down to eat. He began to eat all the food placed before him. As was the custom, more and more food was served to him because he do not say that he had had enough. Soon there was no food in the palace and so Kubera ordered his troops to get more food from the surrounding villages. But Ganesha still eat and there was no food is to be found. Still very hungry, began eating all the furniture Ganesha.

Kubera was very anxious. Ganesha told him: "You promised, my parents, you will feed me now, I'll eat as I am still very hungry.." Kubera ran away and asked Shiva to save him from Ganesha. Shiva asked Kubera give up his pride and serve Ganesha a handful of rice. Kubera went back to his palace. At this time, Ganesha's stomach was very large, but the child was still hungry. If Kubera a cup of rice served with humility, Ganesha's hunger was appeased.

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