
Best Astrologer in India

Best Astrologer in India



As an integral part of the Indian home, Vaastu is the importance of much more than putting a window. It works on the principle that the earth or soil is actually alive and that all living creatures appear organic or direct. This life force in the earth is called Vaastu, and all objects on the contribution of this life force set. Excavation support as both content. Vaastu is also explained that the living space (Vas meaning "his" or "live").

Elements of Vaastu

Space, time and energy traditionally perceived as existing in its free, unlimited state guarantee. Vaastu believes that these three elements, by the pace and order (in other words, science) to the way we live and move and schedule can be punished.

Vaastu History

Technically, the ancient Indian Vaastu Architects (Sthapathis) limited and delivered by word of mouth or through hand-written monographs. He was treated as a science for the construction of temples and royal palaces. The principles of design, architecture and sculpture have been included in science.

Epics like Bruhatsamhita, Vishnu Purana Dharmottara, Viswakarma Vaastu Sastra, Sutra Dharana and Aparajita Samarangana Prutchcha were also responsible for Vaastu take shape as a science.

Early work on Vaastu

The first formal agreement on Vaastu, the Kasyapa Silpa, has attributed Sage Kasyapa. In the treatise Agama Sastra, which explains the science of temples, Vaastu is considered as the basis for any type of construction. Excavations at Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are also evidence of the influence of civilization on the Indus Valley Vaastu.

Vaastu Principles

Although the construction of a house, the principles of Vaastu on a given model are based. Again, this is the convenience of those who live and some basic orientation. It is thought that might be a slight deviation from the trend have a negative impact on our lives.

Three design principles have been proposed that the entire field of design, be it a building, a craft item or an item of daily use.

Bhogadyam: The product is designed to be useful and suitable for easy application.

Sukha Darsham: The product design should be aesthetic. This principle applies to the exterior of a building and the interior.

Ramya: The product is designed to create a sense of well being and satisfaction.

In Vaastu, there are several ways to create the designer and occupant a room for the experiment. If the room has a specific activity, then all the energy accumulated in a single center proves to be very powerful.

Although the science of Vaastu follows generic rules, certain principles are followed:

1 .. Vaastu practitioners believe that rooms in the eastern and northern parts of the house must have a smaller area rugs that those in the west and south. This principle is the conviction that the eastern part of the house be taken sensitive to high loads. There must be an even distribution of the heavy and light rooms in the house for a free flow of positive energy.

2 .. The north-east of the house is very sensitive, and to ensure that no heavy objects are placed is in this part of the house. Heavy objects like tables and refrigerators must be arranged in a south or west. These principles are followed to keep a sense of balance and are universally applicable.
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