
Best Astrologer in India

Best Astrologer in India

Some brief principles of Vastu

Some brief principles of Vastu

* Indra, the god of gods, is positioned to the east. The East is where it all begins in Vastu. When people build their houses, the front door or entrance is always east. The eastern direction is the harbinger of happiness that comes into the house through the door.
* Kubera, the god of wealth lies in the north. In this situation, some symbolic valuables should be able to get wealth.
* The Northeast is the position for Dharma, the god of justice. In Vastu, this is the place for worship, meditation and introspection.
* Agni, the god of fire, lives in the southeast corner. This should be the location of the kitchen.
* Yama, the god of death, lives in the south. He prevents the evil eye in control of our lives. In India people have a spooky pumpkin mask, similar to Halloween masks, in Yama position to ward off the evil eye.
* Niruthi, robbed the houses prevented, lives in the southwest corner. This is a safe place for valuables.
* Varuna, the god of water lies to the west, should be the bathroom.
* Vayu, the god of the wind and the air is located in the northwest corner. Vayu promotes calm, peace and tranquility. A good place for the bedroom.
Read phonetically

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