
Best Astrologer in India

Best Astrologer in India

Sagittarius or Dhanu (November 23-December 24)

Sagittarius or Dhanu (November 23-December 24)
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and is a masculine positive mutable fire sign. Contactors, the contactors are symbolized impulsive and inquisitive. Contactors have a positive attitude towards life are full of versatility and eagerness to learn about the extend physically familiar. They balance loyalty with independence. Sagittarius rules on the body directly surrounding the hips, the sacral region of the spine, the coccygeal vertebrae, the femur, ileum, iliac artery and the sciatic nerve. Sagittarians are successful in social administration, public relations, as scientists and as musicians.

They are always anxious to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. As the travelers of the zodiac, they like to travel and exploration. They are ambitious and optimistic and keep it up, even when their hopes are dashed. They are honest, honorable, trustworthy, honest, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice and truth. As patients are protecting the most gentle and recover easily. Contactors have organized and tolerant people to live their lives and that they bind best with Aquarians or Librans.

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