
Best Astrologer in India

Best Astrologer in India

Meena or Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Meena or Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Ruled by Neptune, Pisces sign female negative mutable water. Pisceans have strong intuitive powers and are considerate and sensitive to others for the pain, no effort themselves. With a gentle, patient and malleable nature, they respond very well to suggestions, good or bad. Pisces rules the feet, toes and the fibrin of the blood. It is this kind of self-sacrifice which keeps them going.

Ascendant this sign of a negative nature very much luxury, too often leads them to a life of looking at ease. The fish people respond very readily to suggestions, whether they are good or bad. Feelings define Pisceans, and they not only feel their burdens and joys, but also those of others. They have excellent observation, concentration while listening and good grasping power. You have more than average instinct for nature, beauty, travel, luxury and indulgence. Fish are good in subordinate positions or heads of small businesses. Their spiritual qualities can also their inclination towards a career in the church or as a media and mystics. Aquarians are the best match for Pisceans and two more romantic bond.

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