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Acarya: Vastu

Acarya: Vastu

Acarya is the learned teachers who are yajamana (one who wants to erect the building) all the necessary advice and guidance in selecting the right site and the sthapati silpins and others. The sthapati, yajamana acarya and form the trinity of vastusthapana (construction) was comparable to Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra of Hindu philosophy.

The resource material of Vastu

The source of the Vastuvidya Vedopanga sthapatyaveda. His theories and practices are found in several later essays. This source books can be classified as a rule in the Puranas (ancient religious works), Samhitas (compilation) and studies

The Puranas (18 in number) to describe the rituals, customs and religious aspects. Although all the Puranas contain information about the theory and practice of building. Matsyapurana for example, contain 19 chapters covering of settlements and construction of temples, iconography, construction of wells, etc. It also refers to 18 old acaryas (preceptors) planning of Vastuvidya: Bhrgu, Atri, Vasistha, Viswakarma, Maya, Narada , Nagnajit, Visalaksa, Purandara, Brahma, Kumara, Nandikeswara, Saunaka, Garga, Vasudeva and Aniruddha. These were acaryas responsible for the preservation, enhancement and dissemination of knowledge.

The Samhitas are collections of scientific knowledge. Your time is between 4 Century BC and 6th Century AD. Among them are the most important Arthasastra of Kautilya, Natyasastra of Bharata, Brhatsamhita of Varahamihira, Mayamata the Maya and Manasara of Manasaramuni. Arthasastra provides information on the measurement system, housing planning, construction of forts and palaces and buildings byeÐtaws. Natyasastra gives details of the construction of assembly halls and auditoriums. Brhatsamhita is an encyclopedic work, the chapter devoted to one chapter is Vastuvidya and the construction of wells. Mayamata is an exhaustive treatise contains 4585 verses in 36 chapters. Manasara is a treasure trove of knowledge of Vastu, more than 5,000 verses arranged.

Between 6 and 12 Century AD, several texts compiled as part sakalaradhana agama (idolatry). All of them give details of the construction of temples and stems. Kamikagama, Vaikhanasagama Padmasamhita and Agamidae are important specification of any construction.

Several studies after 12 Century AD were. They carry the differences in style and building materials based on climate change social and cultural factors. Samaranganasutradhara, Kasyapasilpasastra, Viswakarmaprakasika, Vasturatnavali Prayogamanjari and some of them. Tantrasamuccayam, which can be regarded as agamic text, such a work. Silparatna, a classical work, of which half of the building and half devoted to iconography is, is another important work from this period. Two texts that include only residential buildings, are Manusyalayacandrika Tirumangalat Nilakantan Vastuvidya and unknown authorship. The fact that these four works of the study the contributions of Kerala witnessed the systematic development of Vastuvidya in Kerala.

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